Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Don't feel so bad now...

Just phoned Crabsticks (John from Team PHUKdis) and he's told me he has beaten my non-cycling record, because he hasn't properly trained since we came back from Paris last year. I'm feeling positively fit now! Told him he's not getting out of the Arden ride on 27th tho and he needs to get on his bike

Neither of us have sent our insurance forms etc back to Action Medical Research either. And we are both doing really bad on our fundraising,,, oops.


Well, i've signed up for London to Paris ride with Action Medical Research. see my page at

It's the end of March, only 4 months to go, and i've done sod all training so far (sorry sponsors) but it's not entirely my fault. i've been a bit poorly with some gastro illness type thingy, but it would seem i'm over that now. feel fine and back to work tomorrow.

to help me get motivated i've bought myself a new bike :) this little beauty here
and some new shoes to match. having white bar tape put on it (bling) and should pick it up sometime next week, probably Wednesday.

so with the clocks going forwards and lighter evenings, there should be no stopping me now. fingers crossed. i have seriously got to get back on the bike now coz i've got a 100 miler at the end of April to do (".) and one to do on 11th May (".) with my team (check us out here...