Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


I got a personal best to work today. 1hr 32mins. Whoop Whoop. Alpe d'Fillongley and Col de Meriden... PAH!

Alpe d'Huez... bring it on! hee hee (",)

Dave from the Warwick office was telling me he lowered his seat by 1cm and increased his speed to work by 3mph!!! Hmmm... might have to try that. I can't really imagine sitting lower than I do but it is true to say that I don't seem to be as fast on this bike as the last one, so maybe that might be the answer???

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Lazy Fooker

One commute all week and no rides this weekend (".) I was soooo tired I just lazed about. Better get on the bike tomorrow! And there's me thinking I'd love to ride up Alpe D'Huez. HA! Like I could be arsed. Nice thought, but knowing me that's all it will ever be! I couldn't even be arsed to sign up for the Dragon Ride hee hee.

Really need to try and get some commutes in this week. Not long before the Paris trip now... only a month away! Woo Hoo! Does anyone know how to post to your blog using your phone...???? Would be nice to do it from France. I will have to learn some technical stuff about this site now.

Friday, 12 June 2009


Today I heard about a young boy (13) who got knocked off his bike and died, just a few streets away. I feel really sad about that. I was chatting to my mum telling her just how bad it can be out there (probably worrying her senseless in the process) and saying if I find it bad with all my experience then what chance does a kid have? Then I said something about being in the wrong job and she said something along the lines of maybe I should become a cycle instructor. So I'm going to look into that. Not a change of career or anything that drastic, but wouldn't mind doing a bit of voluntary stuff for local schools/parents... one2one tuition for kids riding to school etc. Anyway, sent a few emails off, will see what I get back.

Saturday, 6 June 2009


Fukd Up Beyond All Recognition. I'm knackered. Since Monday... 3 commutes this week! plus a few extra miles on Monday (afternoon off in the sunshine... bliss) and I've already done 148. I'm gonna try and do 52 over the weekend to see if I can complete the 200 this week. Right now it's raining (the glorious sun has gone) so it looks like the last 52 will be wet miles. I swear... if I have any cellulite left by the end of the summer I'm chucking the bike in the skip!!

Here's some pictures of my commute. They were only taken with my phone, so don't show how bright and lovely it truly is, but you'll get the jist of why I really love to cycle.