Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Friday 22 January 2010

Even worse...

Since my last blog... I've discovered a fat lump!!! OMG it's like a baby saddlebag... right there on the side of my hip!!!! and it's only on one side, what is that all about????

This is NOT good... it's the kind of lump that's always in liposuction adverts!!!! you know the ones, removal of spot fat that won't go no matter how much exercise you do!

O no! I can't afford lipo, so how the hell do you get rid of that? I mean that calls for serious attention and if I go on a diet to lose weight I'm bound to lose my boobs instead! This is a disaster! plus I've now been on a health kick diet for over a week and I'm starving! I need proper food, not rabbit food.

It's just so hard being a woman! Back to the turbo I suppose, too cold to ride out!

Monday 18 January 2010

The Definition of Boredom...

3 hrs 50 minutes on the Turbo in a week... and my bloody Christmas cellulite is still there! What's that all about..?? All I ate was 2 boxes of French Fancies, one box of Viennese Whirls (all of which were exceedingly good!) and a few [boxes of] chocolates! o yea, and some chocolate fudge cake and ice cream, amongst some other things that really are so insignificant I can't even remember them!

Really I don't understand it... I thought if you tipped them upside down, the calories fell out?

So now I am paying for it ... with boredom!