Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Thursday 24 March 2011

15 mile pub crawl...

... er... I mean bike ride, with a few pub stops, on Tuesday night. Country lanes in the dark, no traffic, whizzing down hills in pitch black (very scary) and a pub every 3 or 4 miles. Wicked night's riding, thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to do it again next Tuesday.

Monday 21 March 2011

Sign Language

Well, managed to do 60 miles since Saturday so not too bad this weekend. Rode to work today, weather was lovely, no red lights, polite drivers. Of course, that got balanced out on the way back when some dick tried to undertake me as I was exiting an island. I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of him using sign language (".) LMAO

Monday 7 March 2011

First ride out with the Group

So, it was our first ride out with our new group "All the gear... No idea" yesterday. It was only me, Jo and Hazel this time (although I got my brother's bike going, unfortunately he couldn't come) We only went out for an hour because one of the girls needed to be somewhere, so we had to cut the route short, which was a bit disappointing and meant we didn't get a cafe stop... but hey ho. We did 13 miles which surprised Jo as she thought she wouldn't get that. And to be honest, she can do better, I know she can.

Narnia gets a facelift

Narnia, my winter bike (geddit?) has had a face lift and how now got a new home with my brother. Glad he was pleased because with a new lock and multitool the bill has come to well over £200. She's now got:
- new Scwalbe Marathon Plus tyres
- new inner tubes
- new bottle and bottle cage
- new mudguards
- new saddle bag
- new brakeblocks
- new multitool
- new lock
- new pump
- new(ish) rear rim
- and brand new yellow bar tape which really brighten her up.
(new lights on order).
My brother loves it (",) yay