Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Sunday 14 November 2010

Poor kid

Dragged my ass out of bed this morning and hooked up with Richard for a "family ride" with his club. One of the riders had his young kid with him, think he was about 8 or 9, on the back of his tandem. 18 miles later at the cafe, said kid announces "Dad... I can't see anything" and looks decidedly wobbly! I think he was bonking! Anyway, when chatting to his dad I said "are his pedals fixed with yours?"
"Yep!" pronounces his dad. Blimey! no wonder he was bonking... had to cycle at his dad's pace!! LOL. Surprised he hadn't fallen off with exhaustion. O well, can of Coke and a Toffee cake put him right.
35 miles in total for me... probably more for that kid, as I peeled off early and took the short cut home.

Friday 12 November 2010

New shooooooooooooooooos!

Just ordered some new pink cycle shoes from Wiggle. Whoop! PINK!!!! (",)

Sunday 7 November 2010

Took my mate bike shopping yesterday, got a really nice bike for £1k on the cycle scheme. Kuota. Alu frame but looks bling! White. She can't wait for the guy to get it in for her now. She better not park it in the shed next to mine! a teensy weensy bit jealous.
And my own winter bike got a good wash down, clean up and new inners today (just in case the others inners had perished). It's the bike with all my good lights on so I might actually be able to see where I'm going now. Didn't realise how hard those tyres are to get off the rims . Got a bad tyre/rim combo me thinks. Was gonna clean up the carbon before I stored it but my hands were freezing so I decided to leave it til next weekend.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Unplanned deflation.

Well, my swollen eyes are back to normal thank God. And I added another 25 miles today. Weather surprisingly warm, although wet, and I had a visit from the puncture fairy on the way home... but thankfully only 500 yards from my house. A nice lady (fellow cyclist) stopped to offer help. Bless. Cyclists Unite! I would have done the same (and have done).
Will sort the puncture out at the weekend as not riding tomorrow or Friday.

Monday 1 November 2010


OMG when I went swimming yesterday my goggles were leaking so I put them on really tight and now I look like something off Halloween! I've got swollen slightly bruised eyes. More worryingly is the blue vein that has appeared! That shit better not be permanent! LMAO! Hopefully I will look much better tomorrow morning than I did this morning!
Another 25 miles on the bike today. Have to catch the train now as nights/mornings too dark (that's a lie, mornings are ok at the moment but I couldn't be arsed to do the full commute to work with a heavy rucksack).
Also... have an annoying clicking sound on my bike. Hate it when that happens. I know it's coming from the pedals but where exactly is another matter!