Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Friday, 29 May 2009

Windiest year on record?

I am seriously beginning to think so! For about the last two months I'm sure that the wind speed hasn't dropped below 15mph for anything more than 2 days! I'm so sick of it!

Well, anyway, I decided I can't wait anymore so braved it and rode to work on Wednesday anyway. Wasn't so bad going to work, if a little dreary from the drizzle, but the fields of yellow rapeseed flowers managed to cheer it up. They almost make it look sunny! and that smell... It's gorgeous!

But the journey home was hell! South West wind. Apparently. So I can't understand why when I snotted out my right nostril it kept landing on my face!! Surely that would be a north westerly wind when I'm cycling west? Firing it out my left nostril was cool though! Spiderman eat your heart out hee hee (",)

Why when I worked in Warwick it was always a northerly wind when I rode home, and now it's westerly? Is it just out to get me?

Total time of 3.5 hours on the bike today. Phew!


Red Bike said...

3.5hours commuting, owch!

No wonder the wind makes a BIG difference.

Antonia said...

yea! not much fun when you know you can't turn off and go the other way!