Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Friday, 16 April 2010

TWUG 1 ... Health & Safety nil

Had a TWUG meeting at work today (two wheel user group) and we were updating the safe cycling leaflet. We decided from a safety point of view that we should include in the employees "must do" bit that they should inform their manager if they cycle to work (in order that their manager can refer them to us, of course, for safety advice etc) and the health and safety guy dared to suggest that the manager should be allowed to have the authority to put a block on someone cycling to work if he felt it was too risky.
The whole room went silent while everyone just looked at him in absolute horror! STOP SOMEONE CYCLING????!!!!!
Then he tried to dig himself out by saying something about it would only be for cases when it was risky... like when someone cycled long distances because of fatigue!
Ha ha... he was sitting next to me... and my round trip is 50 miles. His face was a picture when I told him.
I think he got the message ;) heehee.


trio said...

I feel a bit uncomfortable about this as a must-do. Surely how someone gets to work its there business. Obviously be nice if they did let people know, but as a must-do?

Antonia said...

yea Trio... but not as a big brother thing... for two reasons. First, as a safety thing. we all know that cycling is more dangerous that other forms of transport and so if you don't turn up to work chances are you might be lying in a ditch. If no one knows you cycle, who's gonna know if you're a victim of a hit and run (we've had two deaths at the wokingham office due to hit and runs). 2nd reason is because it's the manager's "must do" to ensure they know about the TWUG so they know where to come to put their name down for a locker etc and to get training if required/safety info.

Red Bike said...

I got forced to stop cycling to work last year because my Doctor was telling me I should rest and my folks thought cycling in the dark was too dangerous. Now I dont even have aar and I cycle everywhere

trio said...

It just makes me feel uncomfortable. Individual managers might put pressure on you. Unless the company is paying you to commute it is nothing to do with them. I would prefer it to be advisory - obviously most people would chose to but it feels better that way!