Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Thursday 17 February 2011

TPS (Tarmac Proximity Sensor) failure

So got home Tuesday night to find my mother had volunteered me to babysit early Wednesday morning. Was a little bit peeved coz I'd booked Wednesday afternoon off to cycle back. Anyway, turns out to be a bit of a Godsend because Wednesday morning there was black ice everywhere and two people came off their bikes on their way to work. Toddy emailed me today (Thurs) to tell me he rode in and wished he'd hadn't, having spent the whole way bricking himself. If Toddy thinks it's bad... IT'S BAD! LOL
Hazel's bike now has to go in for a major repair (".) At least I was in my car to give her a lift home. She bashed her knee and Karen, who skidded off on the way to Warwick, is now wearing tarmac blusher. But at least Karen was with John Greasley who picked her up off the Tarmac. Poor Hazel had no one to help her ... and fell off in front of a bus full of people LOL. Both have now been told to alter their TPS to "cold weather" setting (",)

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