Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Monday 1 November 2010


OMG when I went swimming yesterday my goggles were leaking so I put them on really tight and now I look like something off Halloween! I've got swollen slightly bruised eyes. More worryingly is the blue vein that has appeared! That shit better not be permanent! LMAO! Hopefully I will look much better tomorrow morning than I did this morning!
Another 25 miles on the bike today. Have to catch the train now as nights/mornings too dark (that's a lie, mornings are ok at the moment but I couldn't be arsed to do the full commute to work with a heavy rucksack).
Also... have an annoying clicking sound on my bike. Hate it when that happens. I know it's coming from the pedals but where exactly is another matter!

1 comment:

Red Bike said...

I always try and ignore creaks and then act all suprised when something falls off.