Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Monday 4 April 2011

First full commute to work in 2011...

... but not back! Wind picked up during the day so I opted for the train half way back, and I'm so glad I did! I swear, if I'd stopped pedalling the wind would have blown me backwards. It was hard work all the way and sometimes it literally nearly stopped me in my tracks. My legs are absolutely fooked. The ride in was great though, sun shining over the hills. That will be the last time I can commute to work in Hinckley now because I move back to the Warwick office next week. I don't mind though, shorter journey (17 miles instead of 25) and less hilly ... and don't get me wrong, Warwick is a nice journey, but the hills to Hinckley make for some great scenery which I will miss. Having said that, I can take different routes to Warwick so that will be nice. And I'll probably be able to cycle more often which will help with my target.

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