Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Bagged myself a bargain...

1km swim yesterday and one hour on the turbo today. Gonna try and do something everyday.
Bagged myself a right bargain too. I missed signing up for the cycle scheme during November because I thought I didn't need a new bike yet, and then regretted it because thought it would have been nice to get an off road bike. Anyway, whinged about it to a mate and he contacted me today to tell me his mate was selling a cyclocross bike for £300, hardly used, and only used on the road anyway.
Looked up the bike (Voodoo on Halfords website) and it was £1k brand new (thought it would be!). I haven't seen it but Brad is a good cyclist and knows what to look for and he says it's bang tidy and in really good nick. Whoop! What a bargain. To be honest, even with the fact that its been ridden a few times, I reckon I got a much better bargain than using the cycle scheme because if I'd bought a £1k bike on the cycle scheme it still would have cost me over £600 in end.
So obviously I bit his hand off and he's bringing it round tomorrow night. Well, you can't pass up a bargain like that! And it's white (",)
Now I can arrange a pub/bike crawl using the pubs along the canal path, yay.
Will prob give my older road bike to my brother now as really I don't need 2 road bikes and a cross bike, that's just greedy... or is it?

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