Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Monday 3 January 2011


After a few weeks on the turbo, managed to get out on the road today. Freezing cold but loving the freedom of the road instead of the boredom of the garage! Not sure if the turbo training had done me good, or whether it was just the freshness of being out on the road, or maybe just having had a break from it, but felt on top of the world. Only did an hour tho... bloody cold out there!
Went for a swim after but only did 20 lengths before the world and his dog descended on the pool, so nipped to the steam room instead. Obviously all the "new year resolutioners" have hit the gym. Damn. Anyone would think I pay my off-peak membership to SHARE the pool!!! LOL. Hope they all give up soon and give me my pool back. To be honest, this might sound snobbish, and I suppose it is, but I think my gym is a bit chavvy! Especially for a posh hotel! The other day I nearly had to tell a couple in the spa that they do rooms and to go and get one! Like I wanna watch that behaviour in the spa!!! Someone should tell them that sex is for beautiful people... not fat people in the spa. LMAO.

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