Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Thursday 6 January 2011

It's arrived...

Brad brought my new (well, not-so-new) bike around. It's muddy LOL. I don't think the guy has ridden it only a couple of times, I think a few times, but it's in good nick which is the main thing. It's been stored a while with the mud caked on! But a few baby wipe over the frame has started to bring out it's true beauty. In fact, it's not just white, it's an irredescent white. A good wash at the weekend will see it back to looking new. There's a couple of things that need looking at, like the mudguards are bent, so I will have to sort that out, and I need a shorter stem and a new lady-seat! And white handlebar tape would look better than black. And one of the cables looks slightly rusty so will probably get that replaced, but all in all, still a bargain. It's got road tyres on it at the moment, but Brad's taking the guy's money to him tomorrow and he's gonna bring the knobblies back with him, which they couldn't find in the dark when he went to pick it up tonight. I must admit, I'm so tempted to do it up for my brother but then it IS white so maybe not, he can have my yellow one :) Besides, Brad told me off for saying I'll give it to my brother.
O yea! I need pedals LOL!

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