Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Monday 24 January 2011

Double puncture...

Only went and summoned the bloody puncture fairy today. Was talking "unplanned deflations" with someone at work and must have accidently said the word "puncture". Twice. Coz that's what I got. I had one tube on me, replaced it (after checking the tyre) and it immediately got punctured again.
So I phoned my brother but he was at work, so I phoned Brad but he didn't answer, so I phoned my sister and her husband argued that he couldn't come because my bike wouldn't fit in his car! WTF! The wheels come off you knob! More like, he didn't want my bike in his new car. I seriously thought for a minute that he was gonna let me walk the 10 miles home! In fact, if it hadn't been for the fact that I was freezing I would have told him to shove it!

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