Aim to complete at least 5000 miles in 2011

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Maybe I should take up potholing as a hobby...

Considering it's not minus temperatures I can't believe how cold it is out on the bike. Went out for 40 mins, which was about all my hands could take. Hit a MASSIVE pothole in the dark, saw it at the last minute and nothing I could do about it except get out the saddle to take the pressure off the bike. Surprised it didn't damage my rims to be honest. I'm definitely reporting that one tomorrow. If they don't do something about it soon they'll have to replace the drain as well. The road near my mum's house is really bad too. They fixed some potholes last year and when I came back last night nearly the whole road has opened up (it was fine when I left in the morning). It's a good job I bought the cross bike coz I'm gonna need those knobbly tyres!

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